Diet alone cannot treat a hernia, but eating certain foods and avoiding others can help you lead a more comfortable life.1 When you have a hernia, diet depends on a few key factors, including smooth digestion, avoiding certain unhealthy and inflammatory foods, and reducing your risk of stomach and gastrointestinal (GI) problems.1,3 Additionally, avoiding foods that are high in fat, acidity, too much fiber, and alcohol content may help reduce symptoms of a hernia including heartburn, acid indigestion, bloating, gas, and regurgitation.1,3
8 Ways to Consider Eating Smarter
To make hiatal hernia-friendly changes to your diet, it’s important to incorporate foods that benefit your overall health, such as:3
To see the full list of food options for hiatal hernias, download our Food Options Tip Sheet. Another way to determine the best diet for you, keep a food journal and note if/when something causes symptoms to know what to avoid in the future. And as always, discuss your diet with your doctor to learn more about the foods best for you and ones that could potentially aggravate a hiatal hernia or help reduce its symptoms.
Each person is different and tolerates food differently. Some people may experience hiatal hernia symptoms even when they limit their diet to the foods less likely to cause symptoms.
The guidance provided in this article follows general rules that should be discussed with your doctor. This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not substitute for medical advice. If in doubt, always consult your doctor.
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